How much data is out there concerning the use of UVC to sterilize PPE used during our fight against the Coronavirus and Covid-19? Fusion Optix factory and engineering team in Woburn MA has all the equipment and capabilities to design and produce UVC modules in high volume, here in USA. We also have very strong optics and materials knowledge. We even have a potential candidate for a pilot line that we think could sterilize thousands of N95 masks an hour. But, we don’t fully understand the underlying science. If anyone out there is an expert or even if you just have links to people researching this, already making equipment, or even at FDA or other bodies that you can share please let us know. It’s hard to sit on the sidelines watching everything unfold when it feels we have legitimate manufacturing capacity that might be re-positioned to help people bravely in the front line of this thing. #fusionoptix #brightmindsmakelightwork #coronavirus #covid19 #sterilization #leds #uvc #uvlight
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